Water Tank | Benefits of Installing a Water Tank

Why Every Home Should Have a Water Tank

Instead of rejoicing over the amount of rain that has fallen into your rain meter, letting you gauge the amount of rainfall your area received, wouldn’t it be better knowing that the same amount of rain could have been collected in a water tank? With clean water becoming a rapidly depleting resource, Water Pump Group would like to point out the many benefits that a water tank can bring to your home.

Is Having a Water Tank Installed Worth It?

During heavy rainfalls, approximately every square metre of your roof collects 1 litre of water for every 1mm of rain. Calculated over an area of 160 square metres, assuming only half of the roof can collect water, translates to 800 litres of water being collected from 10mms of rainfall. Based on these estimates alone, you are guaranteed a water supply within a short period of time during the rainy season.

How Your Water Tank Can Enhance Your Home

If not collected or re-routed through your drainpipes, rainwater goes to waste. Instead of watching litres of water filter down your driveway onto the street, install a water tank. Strategic placement under roof gutters ensures maximum collection of water from the roof when it rains. The biggest benefit of selecting from our range of JoJo water tanks is that you will always have access to water that doesn’t need to be paid for.

  • As most household chores don’t require the use of municipal water, your stored water can be used for greywater, including flushing toilets.
  • Cutting down on the amount of municipal water used not only reduces your monthly account, but it also lessens the strain on municipal supply.
  • In times of water restrictions, a water tank can be used for watering your garden without the fear of breaking any laws.
  • By including filtration and adequate plumbing, the collected water can be used as your main supply.
  • Should you decide to sell your property, having a water tank adds significant value.
  • Collecting rainwater run-off greatly reduces the pressure on over-burdened stormwater drains in times of heavy rains.

By selecting to install a JoJo water tank through Water Pump Group, there are no limits to the amount of water that can be collected and stored, above or below ground.

Reliable and Sustainable Water Storage Solutions

With a wealth of experience that spans over a decade, Water Pump Group has the expertise and knowledge to provide reliable and sustainable solutions that last. Our proficiency in the pump industry is well known and we take pride in being able to supply water storage alternatives in the form of water tanks and boreholes providing you, our valued customer, with more self-sufficient options. Contact us and we will gladly assist you in finding a water storage option to suit your requirements.