Maintenance of JoJo Tanks: A Comprehensive Guide for Long-Term Durability

Water Tank Safety Measures: Preventing Contamination and Hazards

With South Africa facing water scarcity, it’s no surprise that water tanks have become increasingly popular. A water tank is like a lifesaver, capturing, storing, and conserving this precious resource. But what happens when the alternative source you rely on becomes contaminated? Whether you practice rainwater harvesting or prefer topping up your storage vessel with borehole water, Water Pump Group would like to share some valuable tips on basic tank maintenance that will prevent your stored reserves from becoming a health hazard.

Importance of Water Tank Maintenance

Even though a water tank is manufactured for extended service life, continued maintenance of the tank and catchment areas ensures that the quality of the stored water isn’t compromised. Water supplies from roofs and boreholes can contain harmful chemicals, may be hard or corrosive, and become contaminated by dust or agricultural sprays, to mention a few. From proper roof preparation to screen installations, preventing potential health risks starts with getting the groundwork right.

1. Roof and gutters Ensuring that the catchment surface is free from dirt, debris, leaves, animal droppings, and dead insects is crucial. Any overhanging vegetation must be cleared from the roof and, if possible, gutter mesh should be fitted to prevent gutters from blocking. The mesh also assists in filtering the rainwater before entering the water tank. Regular roof and gutter cleaning will avoid run-off contamination.

2. Installing screens Pre-filtration and insect screens should be placed either on the exterior of your tank’s overflow pipe or positioned around the inlet opening. These screens cleverly permit water flow while simultaneously preventing mosquitoes and other insects from entering and contaminating your water supply, greatly improving the quality of water entering the tank. Routinely check all pre-filters for any build-up of leaves.

3. Interior checks To ensure optimal water quality, perform a visual inspection of the tank’s interior every three months. This proactive approach allows you to ensure that there is no build-up of leaves or debris in the tank. If your water tank has been properly designed and installed, you shouldn’t have this problem.

When to Clean a Tank

While rainwater is a valuable resource, it can harbour impurities. If you plan on using it for more than greywater, testing and filtration are essential. Emptying and cleaning your tank should only be done if a water quality test comes back showing the presence of harmful bacteria or if you find that the odour or taste of your stored water has changed significantly as these are indicators of possible contamination.

Leaders in Water Storage Solutions

At Water Pump Group, we are passionate about providing households, businesses, and agriculture alike with affordable, reliable, and sustainable water solutions. Our range of Africa and JoJo Water Tanks are available in a variety of capacities enabling you to store up to 20,000 litres. For the supply and professional installation of your water tank, contact us.