Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Centrifugal Pumps
If you’re like most folks, you’ve heard the term “centrifugal pump” before and perhaps wondered what it implies. What’s the difference between these models and other machines? Well, suffice to say, centrifugal pumps are the common booster pumps we encounter in suburban gardens running irrigation systems or supplying pressurised water to the house from a rainwater storage tank.
In fact, they’re commonly known as “booster” models because a centrifugal pump typically ties into a water delivery system, giving the boost or pressure needed to actually get water to flow successfully, and at the right pressure. We don’t think about it much at home because a strong flow of water comes out the tap (with apologies to everyone who lives where the pressure is lousy!). That’s because municipalities solve the issue of large-scale water delivery by pumping up to elevated containment, typically a concrete water tower or reservoir.
These Devices Makes an Important Difference
When you install a rainwater harvesting system and plan to feed the house or irrigation system with it, that water is on ground level. It’s not running for many kilometres from high and coming out of your tap with sass; it’s inert and needs to be propelled to its destination. This is precisely what the impeller in the machine does, as the impeller fins spin at high speed, propelling water to where you want it.
On average, these devices might be small in size but can happily run a household system at 2.5 - 3.5 bar (about 50 psi for the Americans!). that means that the static water captured in your ground level Jojo tank or reservoir will match or even exceed the municipal pressure in your taps. Toilet cisterns fill up normally, showers run normally, and irrigation sprinklers perform at their optimum pressure, meaning all round effectiveness from your stored water. Indeed, it’s a common mistake for homeowners to install a rain harvesting system with all the smart jingles and bells and completely forget to factor in a centrifugal pump that will make the whole system functional.
If you’ve ever held a hosepipe in your hand and tried to water the garden from a large tank using gravity alone, you’ll remember that gravity is pretty weak under the circumstances! It doesn’t work without a centrifugal pump. The municipalities are trading on raised topography across a province to distribute water, a gravity-fed model that works because the hard work of pumping the water up high has already taken place. At home, you need a centrifugal device to gain the same pressure in your pipes-household or irrigation-without which systems just won’t work.
Water Pump Group is Your No-1 Outlet
It’s important that you size these devices correctly for your application. Since we’re past masters at equipping you correctly the first time around, you’ll be satisfied the first time. Call on us first for your necessary requirements, and we’ll give you the solution you need, at a price that will make you smile.
If it’s for the house, for the garden, or for the kids, when it needs to flow decently, get our centrifugal machine behind it, and you’ll enjoy great performance for many years to come.