Inexpensive Horizontal Water Tanks
Substantial Savings Possible When Installing Horizontal Water Tanks
Most people are only reminded of the semi-arid nature of our country when their local municipality announces its intention to enforce the Level 2 water restrictions that serve to limit the times at which they can irrigate their gardens, that forbid them to top up their swimming pools from the mains supply, and that makes it illegal to employ a hosepipe to wash their cars and paved areas. In addition to the restrictions on how it may be used, however, there will normally be an increased tariff applied to those whose consumption is above a given limit. In Johannesburg, for instance, that limit is 20 kilolitres per month, and the increase 10%. When one considers the average consumption for family of four is around 30 kilolitres monthly, this could explain why many people are investing in horizontal water storage tanks.
When continuing to consider the circumstances prevailing around Johannesburg, this is a region that experiences a fraction over 600 mm of rain each year. For a relatively modest home with a roof area of approximately 186 m2, the total runoff during the wet season could actually amount to about 71 kilolitres, or more than twice the monthly consumption of the average South African family of four.
During normal times, each kilolitre above 20 carries a cost of R25,82 and, when Level 2 restrictions are in place, that figure will increase to R26,43. Furthermore, should one chance to exceed the 30 kilolitre mark, those tariffs then jump to R25,82 and R30,97 respectively. If one could manage to reclaim that runoff, however, a family could save at least R1 700, while the addition of grey water from showers and washing machines could more than double that figure at the very least. More significantly, perhaps, is that with the use of suitable horizontal storage tanks, you will always have water available for those otherwise forbidden tasks during Level 2 restrictions.
Financial implications apart, as citizens of our nation, we each have a joint responsibility to manage the use of this vital resource in a far more sustainable fashion if we do not wish our children to share in the devastating drought conditions now gripping many of the countries to the north of our borders in continental Africa. By capturing just the rain that falls upon the roofs of our homes and putting it to good use, we can help to reduce the strain on reserves.
Though less pure than rainwater, the effluent from baths, showers, handbasins, and washing machines is also pretty good for certain tasks such as watering the garden and scrubbing patios. Also, since it has already been paid for, its re-use represents both a cash saving and an eco-friendly policy.
As experts in the field, Water Pump Group are distributors of the iconic JoJo brand, known across South Africa and the neighbouring states for its super-tough, high-quality, horizontal water tanks. Equally suitable for agricultural, industrial and commercial use, they are offered in a variety of colours, range in size from 240 to 5500 litres, and can also be used for storing materials such as liquid fertilisers, diesel, and chemical solutions.