Borehole Drilling and Borehole Testing
The Importance of Professional Borehole Drilling and Testing
There are several very sound reasons why a growing number of South Africans are now looking for a viable alternative to the water supplied by their various municipalities. Chief of these is probably the steadily rising cost of this vital commodity and the effect that this has had on a population that is still struggling to overcome the aftermath of a global financial recession. The continuing hikes in the price of mains water have hit not only commercial users but homeowners as well. This, in turn, has prompted a steady rise in the demand for borehole drilling and testing services.
Even many of those who may be less troubled by the escalating cost of municipal water still have reservations regarding its use. In particular, these often relate to the potential impact on health and the environment of chemical additives such as chlorine and fluoride that are present in water from these sources.
The concerns of these individuals are, of course, quite understandable. However, one must also remember that the purpose of chlorination is to prevent any bacterial growth that might otherwise render a supply unsafe for human consumption. With this in mind, those who are contemplating the move from the mains supply to a groundwater source will need to be aware that there is rather more involved than simply drilling a borehole, and that any water that may be obtained from it will require thorough testing to ensure that it is fit to drink and not just suitable for irrigation, for cleaning purposes or for topping up a well-chlorinated swimming pool. It therefore makes sense to assign the entire responsibility to a reputable company.
In practice, the groundwater in most parts of South Africa is of potable quality and should remain suitable for drinking if the well is constructed of suitable materials and designed to the appropriate specifications. In certain coastal areas, it may be necessary for groundwater to be desalinated before it is acceptable for drinking. Where the source may be of inferior quality due, perhaps, to contamination by human or animal waste or industrial effluent, these sites are well documented by the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) and the relevant information should be readily available to companies involved in borehole drilling.
In addition to the results of testing, the potential yield of the well is also crucially important if it is to be a viable proposition. This is a good reason to seek the opinion of an experienced geo-hydrologist who will also be able to make recommendations regarding the most effective way to manage the aquifer system overall.
Groundwater is recharged by rainfall and purified by filtration during passage through the soil prior to settling in the fissures present in the underlying rock. From here, it can be pumped to the surface and the equipment required will be determined by the depth of the aquifer and its total content. The art of managing the supply is to maintain a balance between usage and recharging. This will ensure the longevity of the borehole and thus delay any need for further drilling and testing.
Before you initiate a move to groundwater, have a word with one of our experts at Water Pump Group and get everything right, first time.